Shirazi Salad; Favorite of Vegetarians

Shirazi Salad; Favorite of Vegetarians


Shirazi Salad; Favorite of Vegetarians

Shirazi Salad is an ethnic Salad of Shiraz that is popular among people of Iran. Most often, this salad is eaten with foods cooked with rice like Adas Polo, Lubia Polo and etc.


Two cucumbers

Three tomatoes

An onion

Dry mint

Verjuice (4 tablespoons)


Powder of pepper

How to Prepare?

Remove skin of cucumbers and chop them like cube. Do this step also for tomatoes and onions as well. Add dry mint, powder of pepper, and salt to the bowl of tomatoes, cucumbers and onion. Add verjuice to the salad and stir them. Your salad is ready now.

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