Toghrol Tower; Monument of Seljuqs` Founder
Toghrol Tower; Monument of Seljuqs` Founder

Toghrol Tower; Monument of Seljuqs` Founder
Toghrol tower is situated in Ray city. This place is a monument of Seljuqs` founder.
Description of Toghrol Tower
This lofty tower was built in 12th century. It is surrounded by a garden with trees and flowers. Researchers believe that Toghrol Beg has been buried in this place. This is the reason that this tall building is named as Toghrol Tower.
Some other researchers also believe that this place is a monument of Tamburlaine’s son. Toghrol Tower has 2 big entrances that are placed on the southern and northern part of it. There is a small pool in the northern part and in the northwestern part of this pool, there is a tomb with marble stone that is the tomb of Seyyed Muhammad Mohit Tabatabae, a literature professor of Iran.
Southern entrance of this tower is divided into two doors. One of them for men and the other for women.
Some small holes are on the wall of the tower. This holes are good for birds as a nest.
History of Toghrol Tower
This tower was built in 12th century. Some researchers believe that this place was designed and built by Muhammad Amin Memarbashi. Shape of the tower is like a cylinder which is made of brick and clay. Height of the tower is 20 meters. One of the amazing points about Toghrol Tower is that it has never been destroyed even though severe earthquakes has occurred during the centuries.
Usage(s) of Toghrol Tower in The Past
As a Clock: This tower has 24 jags and people measured time based on sunlight on jags.
As a Sound Reflector: This tower was used as a sound reflector. When you cry or speak in the central part of it, you will feel that your voice is reflected.
As a Passengers Guide: In the past, local people for guiding passengers used to ignite fire so that they would find their way.
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How to Get There?
For getting there, travel to Ray city. This tower is placed between Mir Abedini and Shahid Taqipur streets. Getting to one of these streets, you can find the tower.
Address: Iran, Tehran Province, Ray City, Between Mir Abedini and Shahid Taqipur Streets, Toghrol tower
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