Rudbar; City of Olive

Rudbar; City of Olive


Rudbar; City of Olive

Rudbar City is one of the northern cities of Iran and one of the vastest cities of Gilan province. This city is located on the way of Tehran to Rasht.


In Persian, Rud means River and Bar means huge amount of something. So Rudbar means a place in which there are different rivers.


Rudbar City is known because of its olive which are the best kinds of in the world. If you traveled to Rudbar, don’t forget to buy olive.

People and Their Language

Most of the people in Rudbar speak in Tat dialect. Tat is a Turkish word used by the Turks to call non-Turk people. Tat dialect is different in other regions.

Earthquake of Rudbar

One of the most catastrophic phenomenon of northern part of Iran was the earthquake of Rudbar with 7.6 Richter scale that 40000 people died. After the earthquake, a natural lake with name of Vistan was created.

Tourist Attractions

  1. Marlik Ancient Hill
  2. Vistan Lake
  3. Stores

You can buy souvenirs from stores like Cookies, olive, carpet pickles and etc.

Ethnic Foods

Most popular ethnic food of Rudbar is Shami Rudbari. Also, there are different foods like Mirza Ghasemi, Baghla Ghatagh and etc.

How to Get There?

Distance between Rasht and Rudbar is 60 kilometers and you can get there from Rasht easier than other cities.

Address: Iran, Gilan Province, Rudbar

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