Vistan Lake; Anger of Earthquake
Vistan Lake; Anger of Earthquake

Vistan Lake; Anger of Earthquake
In the latest posts, we spoke about different lakes but only a few of them had special features. Vistan lake is one of them since it is a result of anger of strong earthquake of Rudbar with power of 7.4 Richter Scale that happened in 1990.
This lake is also known as Barehsar located near Rudbar. If you look at the lake from upside, it looks like a mirror between green grasses. In springs and summers, you will hear bird’s sounds and will see a green nature. Color of nature changes to yellow and white in autumn and winters.
More About Vistan
The lake is located 1250 meters upper than the sea level and 55 kilometers near Rudbar county. Source of Water in lake is from rivers. Vastness of the lake is 4 hectares and depth of it is 100 meters. You can walk, tent and fish here. Beekeeping and animal husbandry is common here.
Plants and Animals
There are different trees like oak, beech and hawthorn with different grasses like tulips, oxtongue and etc.
Animals like fox, quail, partridge, rats and etc. live here.
Staying and How to Get There?
Explaining about roads to get there is confusing, so It is better to use map which is pinned below. The best way to reach Barehsar is from Rostamabad. For staying there, you can rent a house in villages near here or tent.
Address: Iran, Gilan Province, Rudbar County, Khorgam, Barehsar, Vistan Lake
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