Lajim; Jewerly of Savadkooh

Lajim; Jewerly of Savadkooh


Lajim; Jewerly of Savadkooh

Lajim is a village of Savadkooh county with population of 800 people. Height of this village is 765 meters above the sea level. Jobs of the most people living here are farming and animal husbandry.

The most important attraction of this village is a tower which was constructed nearly 1500 years ago. In the past, the tower was surrounded by trees and it was a house and shelter of one of the rulers near Lajim. After death of the ruler, he was buried in the tower.

The tower is located in a region with short plants reaching the valleys from 3 parts. It seems that in a past there was a ditch here with tall walls and the region was used as a castle. This region was the base of Zyarid dynasty in the past. There are inscriptions on stones of tower in Pahlavi language. It seems that rulers in the north of Iran were interested in inscriptions of pre-Islamic period.

Name of the owner of the tower is also written on the bricks, but name of the architect is unknown.

History of Tower

The tower was constructed between the years of collapse of the first Bavand dynasty and founding of Bavand the second. Between this 70 years, the northern of Iran was under control of Zyarid dynasty, but they didn’t dominate on mountains, so Bavands tried to seize their lands again. Based on the facts, the tower was for one of the Bavand high ranks.

The tower has been refurbished a lot from the year of 1959 up to now.

Address: Iran, Mazandaran Province, Savadkooh County, Zirab City, Lajim Tower

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