Fire Temple of Isfahan; Sacred in The Past

Fire Temple of Isfahan; Sacred in The Past


Fire Temple of Isfahan; Sacred in The Past

About Fire Temple of Isfahan

Fire Temple of Isfahan is one of the historical monuments of this city. Also, it is one of the national monuments of ancient Iran. The complex has an ancient historical background and people has used it in different times. The original name of this fire temple is Mehrbin and now it is named as Marbin castle by local people. Keep reading so that myDorna makes you familiar with this sumptuous-in-the-past place.

Location of Fire Temple of Isfahan

Isfahan Fire Temple is located in the west of the city and 8 kilometers from downtown, in Atashgah street and in the southern part of Khomeini Shahr. This building is located on a mountain near Zayandeh Rood River, on top of a hill. From the hill, you can have a bird`s-eye view of Isfahan.

Features of The Hill

This hill is made of sedimentary rocks. Its lowest section is located at an altitude of 1610 meters above the sea level and the highest part is above the sea level with height of 1715 meters. Geologically, this hill has been formed during Cretaceous period.

Features of The Monument

This adobe-made monument in on a mountain-like place with the height of 100 meters, in Maribin section of Khomeini Shahr, Isfahan. This fire temple was firstly observed by the great Williams Jackson, an anesthetist, in the early 20th century.

The Texture of The Building

The building’s texture is a set of adobe layers. Between the two rows of clay, the bricklayers have placed a thin layer of straw to strengthen the building. The large basements of the monument begin from the middle of the hill and at the top they are turned into solid and tall columns on which there were some rooms. In some places, there are also regular staircases made in the heart of the rocks which are continued to the high parts, but today they are gone. On top of the fire temple, there is a round part that can be considered as the ultimate architectural design of this building. On the hill, there is no building taller than this monument. This octagonal room has a window in each corner. Zoroastrian priests are said to have placed sacred fire inside this room.

How to Get There?

As myDorna said, Fire Temple of Isfahan is located in 8 kilometers of the city center. So, you can get there by any vehicle.

Address: Iran, Isfahan, Fire Temple of Isfahan

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