Different Kinds of Gaz; Souvenirs of Isfahan

Different Kinds of Gaz; Souvenirs of Isfahan


Different Kinds of Gaz; Souvenirs of Isfahan

Gaz is a kind of sweet and it’s one of the souvenirs of Isfahan. It is worth to mention that this sweet has antiquity of 450 years. In the past, kings of Iran used to give Gaz to other rulers around the world as gift in their meetings. Tree of Gaz is named as Gazangbin. This plant is small with height of maximum two meters and it is usually growing on foots of mountains near Isfahan. Time for harvesting this sweet is summer. In the factories, some materials like pistachio and flour is being added to the sweets. During previous centuries, Gaz was too expensive so that just nobles could buy.

Different Kinds of Gaz

  1. Natural Gaz without any addition
  2. Gaz with flour
  3. Coin-like Gaz
  4. Gaz with pieces of pistachio
  5. Gaz with a layer of chocolate
  6. Soft Gaz for old men and women

Guidance: Gaz is usually hard to chew. The sixth one is for old men and women or people who don`t have strong teeth.

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