Varham Fire Temple; Zoroastrian`s World

Varham Fire Temple; Zoroastrian`s World


Varham Fire Temple; Zoroastrian`s World

In this post, we want to explain about one of the religious parts of Iran. Varham fire temple that was built in the year of 1934 and is one of the religious places in Iran for Zoroastrians to worship Ahura Mazda. Keep reading so that myDorna makes you familiar with Varham Fire temple.


In the year of 1934, King Reza Pahlavi agreed to build a place for Zoroastrians to worship their god. A Persian Zoroastrian with name of Homabaee devoted some of his money for building a fire temple. He chose a 6881 square meter of a region. Engineers designed the plan of fireplace and Jamshid Amanat accepted to be the supervisor of construction. In his notebook, he has written about his travels to India to make a building for Iranian Zoroastrians.


After entering the yard of fire temple, you will see a pool that is located across from the main building. One of the features of the fire temple is that water exits near here. The architecture of the fire temple is gotten from the architectural aspects of ancient Iran and India. Water of the fire Temple was supplied from cistern near it. There are also other parts like old bathrooms that you can visit them. The main part of this place is on a stone which has 21 height meters from the surface of the earth and it can be reached by going up from 8 stairs. The yard of the fire temple is surrounded by green trees. In front of the main building, there are 5 columns made of stone. The columns were carved in Isfahan and transferred to Yazd for constructing the fire temple. After entering the fire temple, you will see the walls decorated with shape of Zoroaster and some words of Avesta. Then you will see the holy fire of Zoroastrians.

Farvahar Symbol

One of the attractive points of Varham’s architecture is a symbol of Farvahar in the middle upside of the fire temple. Based on Zoroastrians` believes, Farvahar is a religious figure who was living before creation of things and will live after their death. Zoroastrians named believe that Farvahar never dies.

Sculpture of Maneckji Lim ji Hataria

Maneckji Lim ji Hataria was the first ambassador of Iranian Zoroastrians in India who traveled to Iran in Qajar era and served a lot for Zoroastrianism. He also built some places for Zoroastrians in Iran. Sculpture of him is placed in the yard of the Fire temple.

Holy Fire

One of the important points of Zoroastrianism is the holy fire of Varham which has antiquity of 1500 years.

There are different holy fires in Zoroastrianism that are the best gifts from Ahura Mazda to Zoroastrians. You can see one of the holy fires here kept in a Bronze cup.

Time for Visiting

You can visit the fire temple at 08:00 until 12:00 A.M. and at 03:00 until 08:00 P.M.

In Fridays and other times here is closed.

This place like churches and mosques is valuable for Zoroastrians. Men and women can enter when they are clean. Anyone should wear white cloth of Zoroastrians for entering here. No one can approach to the holy fire because Zoroastrians believe that breath of humans pollutes the fire.

How to Get There?

The fire temple is located on the way of Kashani road across from Telephone and Post office. You can get there by any vehicle.

Address: Iran, Yazd Province, Varham or Bahram Fire Temple

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