Vakil Mosque; Religious Architecture of Zand Dynasty

Vakil Mosque; Religious Architecture of Zand Dynasty


Vakil Mosque; Religious Architecture of Zand Dynasty

Vakil Mosque dates back to the era of Zand dynasty and it is one of the important places Shiraz.

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The mosque is located beside Vakil Bazaar and Vakil bath near Taleqani Street. Art of the mosque is spectacular.


Karim Khan Zand, who was the most popular king of Zand dynasty, built different places that Vakil collection is most well-known of them. Based on documents, Vakil mosque was built in the year of 1774.


Area of the mosque is 11000 square meters. It seems that for building here, the best architects worked since among the other places of Zand era, Vakil collection is the best of them. Different inscriptions with Quranic words and different colors are on the walls of the mosque. Entrance of here has two doors with height of 8 and length of 3 meters for each one.

After passing the entrance, you will see octagonal tunnel with columns that are decorated with Islamic words and shape of plants. 48 columns are the most popular part of the mosque. Based on measuring, area of the external part of the mosque is 120×80 meters.

In the northern part of Vakil Mosque, there is an arch with name of pearl that consists of two minarets with height of 20 meters. Architects of this part decorated walls with colorful tiles, shape of plants and Indian arts.

They decorated internal plinth of the mosque with marble stones. The mosque has porch and bedchamber in the eastern and southern part. There is an arch in southern part of the yard that the shape of which is the same with pearl arch. Entrance of the biggest bedchamber of the mosque is located below southern arch. A special feature of southern bedchamber is a tribune with 14 stairs of marble stone. Altar of the mosque is decorated with beautiful tiles.

In the western part of the yard, there are small arches decorated with colorful tiles. The middle of small arches, you will see different names of Allah. Generally, it seems that all the small arches are eleven. In the eastern part of the mosque, there is a bedchamber with length of 25 and width of 20 meters. This bedchamber is known as wintery bedchamber that is decorated with brick roof.. Other special part of Vakil Mosque is a small yard in the northeastern part with area of 35×20 meters which has a small pool.

How to Get There?

Go to Taleqani street. You will find Vakil Collection there.

Address: Iran, Fars Province, Shiraz City, Vakil Collection, Vakil Mosque

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