Scream Jungle; Natural or Supernatural?

Scream Jungle; Natural or Supernatural?


Scream Jungle; Natural or Supernatural?

Jungles usually are good places for seeing and enjoying nature but sometimes they would be frightening for you?
Sarborj jungle or scream jungle is one of them. Keep on reading to have a look at this place.

Introduction and Description

Imagine a jungle in which you always hear mysterious and strange voices. Based on some people’s sayings, the sound is like woman’s scream who is burning in a fire!
Sarborj is the name of a village near Torghabeh city in Razavi Khorasan province and because of having mysterious feature, every year many people travel to this place. In addition, due to this fact, lots of people also prefer to escape because they get frightened.
Days of this jungle are peaceful but at nights a mysterious sound like screaming is heard through the dense trees and it is continued until dawn.

Some people believe that source of these sounds is from grasshoppers in the jungle and some people believe it is because of changing weather. This sound is not the same with any insect’s sound and wind blowing through trees.
Some people believe that this jungle is the living place of accursed ghosts and elves that roam at night.
This jungle is placed in the way of one of the rivers of the Torogh dam which is dry during some seasons, but after the beginning of hearing these sounds (from 2011 up to now) the river of this jungle is streaming in all seasons!

So it’s better to open the secret of this jungle:
Ibrahim Arab, rural mayor of Sarborj village says that: when the sound frightened people of the village, we reported it to researching part and by observing we realized that this sound is related to a type of crickets. Actually in rainy seasons that the river of the village is not dry, these crickets attack to the plants and hide between leaves of the trees. Maybe near 40 thousand of these crickets hide between trees. They are alive just for 40 days.

How to Get There?

Sarborj village is 45 minutes away from central part of Mashhad, so it is better to get there by taxi or Car.

Address: Iran, Razavi Khorasan province, Southern Part of Mashhad, Torghabeh, Sarborj Village

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