Samian Bridge

A historical bridge, named Samian bridge, located in Samian village, 15 kilometers near the road which connects Ardabil city to Meshgin Shahr.
This bridge is placed in the way of Ardabil to Caucasus on Ghareh Su river. Name of this bridge is retrieved from the village near it and also named is it as red bridge because of the color of bricks used for its structure.

History of the Bridge
Based on researches, antiquity of this bridge dates back to Safavid era and it is built for connecting Ardabil to Moghan and Armenia.

Structure of the Bridge
Length of this bridge is 55 and height of that is 5 meters. This bridge has 6 entrances like triangular shape for crossing water, built by bricks and stones. Middle entrance of the bridge is the biggest entrance. It seems that this bridge had 7 entrances and during the time, one of them was destroyed. On this bridge, there were 4 small columns for leading passengers in bad weathers and at nights unfortunately, these columns are destroyed during the time. Because of the materials used in this bridge, it can endure 30 tons.

On august 19th in 1969, this bridge was recorded as a historical place.
How to Get There?
You can use taxi and car to get there, buses don’t move this place a lot.
Address: Ardabil, 15 kilometers near The way of Ardabil to Meshgin Shahr, Samian village, Ghareh Su river