Sabalan Honey; Best Honey of Iran
Sabalan Honey; Best Honey of Iran

Sabalan Honey; Best Honey of Iran
Because of the geographical position and climate situation, Ardabil has the best honey of Iran. In this province, you can find different types of honeys. If you ever had opportunity to buy Sabalan honey, you would have the best honey of Iran. Honey of Sabalan is the cure of different illnesses. We try to speak about several types of honeys produced by different molasses and plants.
Thyme: It cures eye strain and breathing problem. Molasses of this plant is also useful for curing pain in bones and muscles.
Clover: Make you more relaxed because it controls production of different hormones.
Coriander: Useful for stomach illnesses.
Sunflower: As a medicine when you have cold.
Chamomile: Curing blood pressure.
Alfalfa: useful for curing blood pressure, overweighting, stomachache, lung disease and etc.
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