Post & Communications Museum; Collection of Old Communication tools

Post & Communications Museum; Collection of Old Communication tools


Post & Communications Museum; Collection of Old Communication tools

In Post and Communication Museum, you can see old tools of communications. This place is not offered to the under 9. Tools of old communication here are not just limited to old phones. You will also find old motors. You can see history of progress of human communications here step by step.


The Post and Communication Museum was built in the year of 1932 with patterning of European museums. A part of this building was devoted for tariffs. During the years, name of this museum has changed, for example, it was Telegraph Museum before and now it is Museum of Post and Communication. One of the things kept here is the handwriting of Imam Khomeini which has the telephone number of his house. There is also phone number of Naser-Ad-Din Qajar.

1. Stamp Hallway

In the ground hall of the museum, you will see stamps. These stamps are signature and memorial of popular people.

2. Gallery of Chapar

You can see different art works in Chapar gallery like calligraphy.

3. Art Gallery

4. Booth of Post Ministers

There is a booth in the first floor devoted for pictures of post ministers.

5. Lecture’s Salon

In the northern part of central section, there is a salon for lecture. Area of here is 500 square meters and there is space for 200 people.

6. Central Hall

Central yard in the museum is an attractive part. It is the first part of the museum and if you look around, you can say that here was the greatest place in Iran in the past. There are different things like plane maquette, a signet for stamps, sculpture of Amir Kabir and etc.

7. Post Salon

8. Gift Salon
You can see gifts that leaders of a country have given to the communication ministers.

9. Radios Hall
You can see old radios here.

10. Telecommunication hall

In the second floor, the oldest thing of here is a telegraph.


1. Bank and Office Post
2. Library
3. Smart Lamps with Sensors

How to get there?

The museum is located in Imam Khomeini Street near Ferdowsi Avenue. You can get there by any vehicle.

Address: Iran, Tehran, Post and Communications Museum

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