Negarestan Museum Garden; Spring Through An Old Alley

Negarestan Museum Garden; Spring Through An Old Alley


Negarestan Museum Garden; Spring Through An Old Alley

Smell Tehran of old times by walking through one of the gardens in this city.

Different Parts of Garden

1. Niloofar Poll

2. Library of The Garden

3. An Exhibition
4. A workshop
5. Hall of Ruhollah Amini
6. Greenhouse
7. Cafe of Garden

8. Museum of Garden
In the museum of the garden, there are different collections and halls about which we will talk:
1. Kamal-al-Molk Museum: a place for keeping Kamal-al-Molk’s apprentices.

2. Collection of Ali Esfarjani Paintings.
3. Mohammad Taqi Bahar collections.
Here you will see different relics of Mohammad Taqi Bahar.
4. Ethnography: Ruhollah Amini in this part, by some of his works, show the endeavor of Iranian people to bake a bread.

5. Jahangir Armand’s miniature statue

6. Ferdowsi’s Sculpture: You will see Ferdowsi’s Sculpture when entering the garden. In the year of 1934, 410 Iranian students decided to order Lorenzi, a French sculptor, to create a sculpture of Ferdowsi. Based on a story, students read poems of Ferdowsi for Lorenzi and by listening to them, he imagined face of Ferdowsi for making sculpture.


Negarestan is a garden that was built in the year of 1805 by order of Fath Ali Shah Qajar as a summer accommodation. The garden had different halls with emirates like Delgosha, Salar, Ghalamdan and different houses with pools.

Reason of naming here as Negarestan is because of different Allegories about Fath Ali Shah and his servants that none of them are alive today. In the years of Mozafar al-Din Shah, when he visited Falahat school in Russia and returned to Iran, stablished a Falahat-like school in Negarestan Garden. This place was the place of happening different historical and political issues like murdering of Abolqasem Farahani by Muhammad Shah Qajar.

For more that 50 years, the garden was used as an educational place in which different elites like Parvin Etesami and Prof. Mahmud Hesabi educated. After stablishing Tehran University, Negarestan Garden was used as a place of holding literature classes.
Finally, in the year of 1995, this place was recorded as a historical museum.

It is worth to mention that the architect of the garden was Ali Akbar Baghban.

How to Get There?

Get to Shariat Madar Street. You will find the museum garden there. Just in Mondays the garden is closed. Time for visiting there is from 09:00 A.M until 07:00 P.M.

Address: Iran, Tehran City, Shariat Madar Street, Negarestan Museum Garden

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