Naqshe Jahan; Square in Half of The World

Naqshe Jahan; Square in Half of The World


Naqshe Jahan; Square in Half of The World

The second biggest square in the world. It’s a short description of Naqshe Jahan. This square is located in the heart of Isfahan. Isfahan is known as half of the world. Be with myDorna to know more about Naqshe Jahan.


Naqshe Jahan is the central square of Isfahan city and it is located near other historical parts like Ali Qapu Palace about which we will describe in later posts. This square with shape of rectangle is different from most of the squares that look like a circle. Length of the square is 560 and width of it is 160 meters. This square after Tiananmen Square is the second biggest one in the world.


  1. Space Around the Square

Naqshe Jahan has a pool. Around the square, you will see religious places with a palace.

Entrance of Isfahan Market is near here. There are different stores near the square that you can buy handicrafts from them.

There are stony benches near the square on which you can sit and enjoy around.

  1. Ali Qapu Palace

Located in the western part of Naqshe Jahan Square with height of 48 meters and 6 floors. This palace was built by Shah Abbas I and was used as the base of Safavid kings.

  1. Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque

Beside the square, there is a mosque with no minaret. This mosque was built by order of Shah Abbas I by Muhammad Reza Esfahani during 18 years. One of the masterful parts of the mosque is the colorful peacock on the walls of dome in internal part of the mosque.

  1. Imam Mosque

In southern part of the square, there is a mosque with minarets and a dome known as Imam. This place is also known as Sultani, Jameh and Shah Mosque that was built by order of Shah Abbas I.

  1. Qeysarie

In the past, this place had 3 floors that one of them has been destroyed. The destroyed floor was used for playing music. Second floor was used for trading and first floor was used for selling things.

  1. Chogan Entrances

In the southern and northern part of the square, you will see short stony structures which used to form Chogan Entrances in the past. Chogan was a kind of old sport of Iran and these stony structures were used for playing Chogan.

  1. Tohid Khane

A building behind Ali Qapu Palace that was used as kitchen and prison of the palace in the past. This place was holy and also was used for praying, but in Qajar era lost its holiness and in Pahlavi era it was used as prison.

  1. Islamic Museum

It seems that in a close future, an Islamic Museum will be built.

  1. Enjoying

You can enjoy walking, taking photography, buying things and riding a carriage in Naqshe Jahan.


When Safavid transferred capital of the country from Qazvin to Isfahan, there was a huge garden in Isfahan as Naqshe Jahan in which there were palaces of Timurid and Aq Qoyunlu Dynasties. Shah Abbas I decided to develop here and built different parts like Naqshe Jahan square. Different parts of the square have been destroyed during the time like clock tower, columns like Persepolis’, 110 Spanish cannons which were brought here by Shah Abbas after getting back Hormoz Island from Portuguese and Spanish soldiers.

How to Get There?

You can get there by buses, metro and taxi. for get there, you can take one of them from Imam Hussein Square.

Address: Iran, Isfahan City, Naqshe Jahan Square

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