Mesr; Desert with The Name of Egypt

Mesr; Desert with The Name of Egypt


Mesr; Desert with The Name of Egypt

One of the attractions of Iran is Mesr Desert in Isfahan province. If you like to know more about Mesr Desert, keep reading the article.


Before entering Mesr Desert by passing a dirt road, you will see Mesr Village with its kind and hospitable people. People here earn money by animal husbandry, farming and renting houses to the tourists. Water of the village is prepared from the wells. We have explained about Mesr Village before and you can read the article of it by clicking on the link below.

تاپ توریسم

Mesr Desert; Peace with Silence

In the Desert, you will hear no sound, but you can see hills of sands.


Since this village is not older than 100 years and its founder was a person named Joseph, people used to call here Farm of Joseph. After some years, a severe drought occurred, so Joseph was forced to dig some wells. For several years, people used the water of the wells until it was finished. Again, Joseph dug some wells and since the Prophet Joseph was in Egypt, people of this village named here Mesr. Mesr is the equivalent of Egypt in Persian.


Some people believe that there is no attraction in the deserts but it is wrong. In the following lines, you can read some positive points of desert.

  1. Walking on warm Sands

Take off your shoes and enjoy walking on warm sands in Mesr. You can also climb up the sand hills and look at the desert from the tip of them.

  1. Riding Camel

One of the hobbies in the desert is riding camel.

  1. Riding Bike and Driving Off-Road Cars

Riding bike on sands is so joyful. Especially, if you are a professional bike rider, Mesr Desert is suitable for you. Also, driving off-Road cars like Toyota Prado is a good choice. If you don`t have a bike or car, you can pay money for using them here.

  1. Photography

The desert is vast enough to take spectacular pictures.

  1. Looking at Sky

One of the attractions of any desert is the beauty of the sky at nights. But, in Mesr, you can observe the beauties without telescope.


For Staying, you can pitch a tent or rent houses in Mesr Village.

Address: Iran, Isfahan province, Mesr Village, Mesr Desert

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