Kabab Barreh; Special Offer to Rich People

Kabab Barreh; Special Offer to Rich People


Kabab Barreh; Special Offer to Rich People

Kabab Barreh is a food that is cooked with lamb meat. Stay with myDorna to know how to cook this delicious food.


Lamb meat (1 kilogram)

Vinegar (4 tablespoons)

Olive or liquid oil (1/4 cup)

Garlic (4 cloves)

Two onions


Powder of pepper


How to Cook?

Cut lamb meats in suitable size so that you can skewer them. Put slices of meat in a basin. Then, add crushed cloves of garlic, a chopped onion, oil, vinegar, salt and powder of pepper and mix them. Cover the basin with plastic and put it in refrigerator for 3 hours. After 3 hours, skewer meats and put them on barbecue. When you skewer them, chop another onion and put its slices between meats. When one side of meats is cooked, turn them over to have the other side cooked. In the next step, skewer tomatoes and cook them. When tomatoes cooked, eat meats and tomatoes with bread or cooked rice.

Attention: The Food is mostly offered to the rich, due to its high price.

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