Haft Hoz Tourism Zone, Convenient and Intact
Haft Hoz Tourism Zone, Convenient and Intact

Haft Hoz Tourism Zone, Convenient and Intact
For ecotourism, it’s not always necessary to go out of the city for camping. For example, close to every metropolitan, there is always a park to visit and have fun there. To bring you an example, near to Mashhad there is a natural park called Haft Hoz.
About Haft Hoz Park
In the southeastern part of Mashhad, in distance with 7 kilometers far from central part of city center, there is a region with 7 natural ponds. That is why it is named Hatf Hoz (region with 7 ponds). There is fountain coming out from 1st pond and pour in 7th after passing 6 ones. According to experts, acidy rain is the main reason for creation of the ponds.
After passing 6 ponds, you will reach to the main pond near to which you can sit and enjoy the surrounding.
Stones of this place are polished and it shows the art of God’s architecture. Our offer to you is that never forget to bring your camera. You can take special and extraordinary photos.
Attention: If you wanted to return, please set a time for yourself to come back before night; because the roads near this place are dangerous (zigzag roads) and You will have a shortage of night vision. If you decided to stay, take with yourself supplies because there is no market near here. Use special shoes for rock climbing because stones of this region are slippery.
How to Get There?
You can get there by car or taxi. If you don’t have limitation of time, you can get there by buses.
Address: Razavi Khorasan, Mashhad, Seyyedi Region, Khalaj Road, after passing highway and reaching to the square you can reach Haft Hoz.