Flowers Garden of Isfahan; Lovely And Beautiful

Flowers Garden of Isfahan; Lovely And Beautiful


Flowers Garden of Isfahan; Lovely And Beautiful

Flowers Garden of Isfahan is one of the projects completed in seventies. Its prominent feature is its multiple functions; leisure, cultural, educational and research activities.

Different parts of Isfahan Flowers Garden

Entrance Pavilion: the entrance door includes a 9*6-meter building on the ground floor to provide information about the garden and the seed exhibition. From the first floor platform, you can watch the overall view of the park. The second floor of the building has a salon for displaying films and slides of various plants.

Rocky Garden: the area of this garden is 2500 meters and 250 species of rocky plants are planted here.

Waterfall of The Garden: this waterfall is located on the eastern side of the rocky garden. considerable amount of water pours into the pond from a height of 4 meters. In the waterfall, a variety of river stones have been used to make the view of it more natural.

Pond: for refreshing the overall atmosphere and the cultivation of aquatic plants, a 3500-square-meter pond is built on the southeast side of the park.

Children’s Playground: in the garden, there is an environment for children to play.

Garden Enclosure: the overall level of garden is covered with grass and considering gardens in different designs, seasonal flowers and ornamental shrubs are planted. The garden passages, which are approximately 5000 square meters, are covered with granite pavers in various designs.

Rose Garden: rose Garden is a complex designed to plant a variety of rose flowers found in Iran.

Greenhouse: due to the lack of flowers in winter, greenhouse with a total area of 700 square meters on the northeast side of the garden has been built by which visiting different types of flowers in cold seasons has become possible.

Garden of Herbal Plants: this complex with an area of 1170 square meters has 132 species of herbs and medicinal plants of different regions of Iran.

Fountains: the main and secondary passages are decorated with 40-to-80-centimeter fountains. The water used in the fountains is circulating all over the garden and it is used multiple times.

How to Get There?

Flowers Garden of Isfahan is placed in Salman Farsi street, so the only thing you should do is to get a taxi.

Address: Iran, Isfahan, Flowers Garden

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