Darak village in Zar Abad, Sistan & Balouchestan

Darak village in Zar Abad, Sistan & Balouchestan
Iran is country that you can experience all of four seasons simultaneously in different regions. For example, winter in Tabriz, summer in Ahwaz, spring in north of Iran and autumn in Lorestan.
Although Sistan & Balouchestan is well known for its hot and dry weather, we can feel cool winds and hot breezes at the same time and at one place.
The place that mydorna is going to introduce in the following lines, is called Darak village.
The village is contained of a beach and a desert. You can firstly lie on the beach and after a short time, go and dive into water.
At the time that all of Iranian people in summer are looking for cool weather, the passengers who are spending their holidays in Darak village, enjoy the combination of the sea and the desert.
Apart from the sands that you can rest on them, there are lots of palms near to the sea under which everybody can enjoy the cool winds blowing.
At the time that you have lied under the trees, the ships and boats are surfing the water and you can ask them to take you and see the sea as well.
While you are walking in the sea, you can feel the corals that like fishes touch your skin and give you the feeling of getting a massage.
Finally, nowadays that big cities around the world are dealing with air pollution and nobody has a short time to relax, you can set your destination of your travel to Darak village to set yourself free from all of the businesses.
How to get there?
Darak village is about 170 kilometers away from Zahedan, the capital of Sistan & Balouchestan province; Therefore, by taking a taxi, you can reach the place.
Address: Iran, Sistan & Balouchestan province, 170 kilometers to Zahedan, Zarabad town, Darak village.