Ankas or Mahi Morakab; Ethnic Food of Hormozgan

Ankas or Mahi Morakab; Ethnic Food of Hormozgan


Ankas or Mahi Morakab; Ethnic Food of Hormozgan

One of the ethnic foods of Hormozgan province is Ankas or Mahi Morakab that is eaten with rice. Keep reading so that myDorna makes you familiar with Mahi Morakab.


Squid (250 gr)

Two onions

Dates (3 or 4)

Oil (in sufficient amount)

Tomato paste (1 or 2 tablespoon(s))

Spice (half of a dessertspoon)

Salt, water, and powder of pepper (in sufficient amount)

Turmeric (half of the teaspoon)

How to Cook?

Wash squid and make it clean try to omit additional parts like its stomach. Split squid in smaller parts, put them with dates in a big pot, pour water and boil them for 30 minutes until squid becomes soft.

Dispose water of a pot.

Chop onions like thin slices and roast them in a small separate pot with oil until they become soft and their color changes to orange. Add turmeric and squid to onions and roast them for 2 or 3 minutes.

Then add tomato paste, salt and powder of pepper and mix them. Then add them to a big pot, add a cup of water, and increase temperature. When the water boiled, decrease the temperature, put the cover of pot and wait for 15 minutes.

Attention: Never pour water on hot oil.

Guidance: temperature of the stove should be medium during the process of cooking and only when you want to boil water must be high.

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