Nazhavan Forest Park; Colorful and Natural Place

Nazhavan Forest Park; Colorful and Natural Place


Nazhavan Forest Park; Colorful and Natural Place

Isfahan city is well-known for its tourist attractions such as; Imam Square, Si-o-Se Pol bridge, Khajoo bridge and etc. But apart from these human-made places, there is a natural park named as Nazhavan Forest Park which is located in this province.

About Nazhavan Forest Park

This park is located so close to Isfahan city that anybody who intends to get there, can use car or taxis to reach the place.

The natural park is surrounded with Zayende-rood river and gardens, so the weather of it is mild. Also, this park is accessible from highways of Isfahan city.

Equipment of Nazhavan Forest Park

In this natural and beautiful place that lots of people admire it for the fresh weather and unique beauty, there is some equipment such as; playgrounds, pool, horseback riding, sage trap and so on.

Suggestion: if you are interested in taking photos from natural places, myDorna strongly suggests you visiting Nazhavan Forest Park.

Why Nazhavan?

The word Nazhavan is made of Nazh meaning as spruce trees and Van meaning as place; therefore, Nazhavan means the place of spruce trees.

How to Get There?

As myDorna said, Nazhavan Forest Park is located in Isfahan city. It means that Olfat street and Shahid Abd-o-llahi highway are near to this park, so you can use public transportation or taxis to get there.

Address: Iran, Isfahan city, Nazhavan Forest Park

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