Reptiles Garden; Zoo in Isfahan

Reptiles Garden; Zoo in Isfahan


Reptiles Garden; Zoo in Isfahan

In Isfahan, there are different historical places that attract tourists like Sio-Se-Pol, Ali Qapu, Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, and etc.

There are also modern places in this city like Aquarium tunnel and Reptiles Garden which have been the reasons of attracting tourists. In this post, we want to introduce the Reptiles Garden of Isfahan located near Aquarium Tunnel. Be with DornaTrip.


Reptiles Garden is the place of keeping animals collected from all around the world. The garden is in Nazhvan Forest Park of Isfahan City. In the year of 2012, news of establishing a new attractive place was spread.

There are 25 big parts and 12 small parts for keeping different reptiles based on their size. With the help of Municipality of Isfahan, different parts like Aquarium Tunnel, Birds Garden, Butterfly Garden, bicycle lines, Reptiles garden and different attractive parts were opened here.

Names of Alive Reptiles

  1. Different snakes like rattlesnake, python and etc.
  2. Iguana
  3. Amazon Crocodile
  4. Australian Lizard
  5. Komodo

There are also other living things like scorpion, cockroach, bat, two-head snake and sharks.

Dead Animals

There are dead animals kept in glasses.


There are different Facilities here like bathrooms, coffee shops and restaurants. There is also a tele cabin from the above of which you can watch the garden.

Address: Iran, Isfahan City, Nazhvan Forest Park, Reptiles Garden

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