Guzlameh; Don’t Wait A Lot

Guzlameh; Don't Wait A Lot


Guzlameh; Don’t Wait A Lot

Guzlameh is an ethnic food of Urmia city. In Turkish, Guzlameh means don’t wait a lot. This name is chosen because of the short time needed to have the food ready.


Four crushed cloves of garlic

Animal oil (for frying eggs)

Four eggs

Strained yogurt (3 cups)

Water (1/2 cup)


How to Cook?

Pour oil in a pan on stove with low temperature. Crack eggs into a pan. When eggs cooked, add salt and rile them.

In a pot, rile yogurt with water. After 5 minutes, Put the pot on stove with medium temperature and rile constantly.

Attention: You must rile water with yogurt in this step continuously.

Turn off the stove when yogurt becomes warm and mix it with eggs in a plate, add crushed garlic and rile them.

Now your food is ready.


  1. You can decant yogurt into a pan and mix with eggs, then add crushed garlic and rile to have them mixed.
  2. You can eat this food with bread.

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