Lark Island; Forgotten Island in Persian Gulf

Lark Island; Forgotten Island in Persian Gulf


Lark Island; Forgotten Island in Persian Gulf

It might be unknown for you… An island with different attractions that is located in Hormuz strait and near Qeshm, Hengam Island and Hormozgan province. It has a beautiful beach. Be with myDorna to get familiar with Lark island.

Description of Lark Island

Lark is a name of an island in Hormuz strait near to Hormuz and Qeshm islands. Residential part of this island is just a village with small population. You can see Hormuz and its salt hill from Beach of Lark. Most of the people’s job in Lark is fishing, but a few people do animal husbandry in old ways.

As Hormuz Island, Lark also was under control of Portuguese empire. Portuguese castle is one of the attractions that has become frail during the time because of no attention.

In the distance of 4 kilometers from village, there is a lighthouse with small pergolas. If you want to compare Lark with Qeshm, Kish, Hormuz and Hengam islands, you will understand it is just a forgotten place.

You can see a beautiful light in this island during the night in the beach. In Lark, there is an absolute silence. If you be far from a village, you will feel alone.

How to Get There?

You can reach Lark in 2 harbors.
1. Best way to get to Lark is Zakeri harbor in Qeshm island with sea bus.
2. Second way is from Doha harbor from Qeshm island with motorboat (Doha here is a harbor’s name of Qeshm and it is not related to Qatar)
Distance between Qeshm to Lark is just only 10 kilometers.

Address: Iran, Hormozgan Province, Hormuz Strait, Lark Island

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