Gheimeh Stew


Gheimeh  is an Iranian stew consisted of mutton, tomatoes, split peas, onion and dried lime. The stew is garnished with aubergine or French fries and is usually served with rice.

This stew is also used in some ceremonies like karma, funeral, and …..


Split chickpeas (half of a cup)

Two onions ( in medium size)

Sheep meat (300 grams)

Tomato paste (4 tablespoons)

Water (5 cups)

Two woods of cinnamon

Two dried limes

Boiled saffron (2 teaspoons)

Rose water (a tablespoon)

Slice and fried potatoes

Oil (in sufficient amount)

powder of pepper in sufficient amount(optional)

Salt (in sufficient amount)

How to prepare

Before baking, put split chickpeas in water for 2 or 3 hours. It’s better to boil them.

First step: in first step, torn onions like a foursquare and fry it with oil. When onions became soft and orange, add powder of pepper and meats. Then fry onions with meats and powder of pepper again.

Add cinnamon woods, split chickpeas, and water to it and put them on the stove with medium temperature for 2 hours.

After you felt that chickpeas and meats are cocked, add salt, dried limes and tomato paste to it.

After 45 minutes, add rose water and boiled saffron to it. 15 minutes later, your stew is ready.

Add potatoes to it and eat it with cocked rice.

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