The Plain of Fritillaries; A Place for Taking Profile Pictures

The Plain of Fritillaries; A Place for Taking Profile Pictures


The Plain of Fritillaries; A Place for Taking Profile Pictures

About The Plain of Fritillaries

The plain of fritillaries is one of the tourist attractions of Iran, in Chahr Mahal & Bakhtiary province. The width of this plain is 3600 hectares. The area is protected by the Iranian Environmental Organization as a natural national heritage.

This plain is located in Koohrang city and other tourist attractions such as Koohrang Waterfall, Chelgard Ski Resort and Dime fountain of mineral water are situated near it.

The local people call these beautiful and shy flowers as Gerioon Flowers meaning crying plants. Fritillaries flower in the late April and can be seen until May.

During this period, ten thousands of people visit this site, due to destruction and the possibility of extinction, the presence of tourists is subject to restrictions.

The Natural Heritage of Fritillaries

The natural fritillaries are in the category of the 20 national natural creatures of Iran supported by Environment Organization with a total area of 379 hectares in Koohrang city.

How to Get There?

The only path leading to this plain, is the dirt road to Fakhr Abad village, from where you have to walk at least for an hour to reach the plain. This is a humid and temperate area.

Address: Iran, Chahr Mahal & Bakhtiary province, Kohrang city, plain of fritillaries

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