Shush; Oldest City of Iran

Shush; Oldest City of Iran


Shush; Oldest City of Iran

Shush is one of the oldest cities of the world and Iran. This city was the capital of Elamites and winter capital of Achaemenid Empires. Age of this city is 7000 years.


Shush city was the cultural center located in 150 kilometers east of Tigris in Khuzestan Province. The city was the capital of Iran for 3000 years. After Mongol invasions, the city nearly became vacant. Some documents of buying and selling houses and birth certificates are found here which show the age of civilization.

There are inscriptions in the temples that show how the Elimates were worshipping their God. Each king who has built the temple, has written his name on stones or bricks. The inscriptions also show the status of women in the past. As men, women also had same rights. Elimate religion had different Gods like Shemsh that means God of Sun.


Weather of Shush is dry and hot in most of the times. Maximum and minimum of the temperature is 45 and 28°C in the center of the city.

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Recording as a Historical Heritage

Shush City was recorded as a Historical Heritage in UNESCO in the year of 2015. Some historical parts like Chogha Zanbil, Apadana Palace, Achaemenid Village, 15th-century city, Tomb of prophet Daniel and French Castle are located in Shush that we will explain about them in the next posts.

Tourist Attractions

  1. Apadana Palace
  2. Shush Castle
  3. Tomb of Daniel
  4. Museum of Shush
  5. Haft Tape
  6. Chogha Zanbil
  7. Karkheh National Park

Address With Map

Address: Iran, Khuzestan Province, Shush City

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