Sabzi Khordan; A Healthy but Delicious Meal

Sabzi Khordan; A Healthy but Delicious Meal
A plate of fresh herbs is served at most Persian meals, often with rice as a salad. Sbzi Khordan is a type of Iranian and Armenian salad.
Basil (300 grams)
Leek (200 grams)
Tarragon (200 grams)
Mint (300 grams)
Radish (300 grams)
Savory (200 grams)
Cress (300 grams)
Parsley (200 grams)
Scallion (200 grams)
How to cook?
Attention: At first, you should clean your vegetables (omit soiled leaves or vegetables).
- If your vegetables have a long shank, cut the shank from near the leaves but if the shank is fresh (like cress) cut it just from roots.
- you should be very sensitive about making vegetables clean, because just a soiled leaf makes all of your vegetables dirty.
In second step, separate radishes from other vegetables, put them in the big dish, and fill it with water and pick them from water, put them in filtering basket, and pour water on it.
Change water of the pot, put vegetables in it and pour salt on them, and let them asepsis for 3 minutes.
Again pick vegetables and change the water.
Put vegetables in water, put radishes in separate pot, and wash them with your hands (for omitting clay).
At the final step, put your vegetables in a clean cloth and let them become shrivel.
Attention: Don’t put your vegetables to refrigerator when they are wet; because they’ll soil very fast.
When your vegetables become shrivel, fold your cloth and put them in a refrigerator.
Stay tuned with myDorna to get familiar with other Iranian foods.