Omaj Potage; An Ethnic Potage of East Azerbaijan
Omaj Potage; An Ethnic Potage of East Azerbaijan

Omaj Potage; An Ethnic Potage of East Azerbaijan
Omaj is a kind of potage and is one of the ethnic foods of East Azerbaijan Province. Stay with us to know more.
Four onions
Lentils (one cup)
Butter (25 grams)
Vegetables (250 grams of leek, savory and basil)
Beef bone extraction (one cup)
Flour (2 tablespoon)
How to Cook?
Mix flour with water and add salt with turmeric to them. Make balls of flours smaller than a lentil and put them in a plate. Wait until they become dry. Chop the onions and roast half of them with butter for 1 minute. Add turmeric with salt to the pot of butter. Stir them and add lentils, extraction of beef bone and vegetables. Wait until lentils cook and when they cooked, add balls to the pot gently and stir them. When you felt the balls are cooked, turn off the stove and enjoy the potage.
Guidance: Omaj is the name of sticky balls created for this potage.