Moghadam Museum; From Qajar era

Moghadam Museum; From Qajar era


Moghadam Museum; From Qajar era

A historical museum in Tehran city that dates back to Qajar era. For knowing more information, be with myDorna.

Description and History

At first, this place was house of one of the Qajar’s courtiers with name of Ehtesab-ol-Molk. After his death, the house was inherited to his son, Mohsen Moghadam, who was archaeologist of Tehran university.

He and his French wife with name of Salma started to collect historical antiques from all around Iran and used them for decorating their house.

In 1972, they gave the antiques to Tehran university. After death of Dr. Moghadam and his wife, this house was devoted to Tehran university. The house is valuable because of two main reasons; It is historical and historical antiques are kept there.

There is a pool in the yard of the museum which gives an awesome view to this place.

How to Get There?

The museum is located in Imam Khomeini street near Fadjr tools market. You can get there by any vehicle. By reaching Imam Khomeini street, you can find the museum.

Address: Iran, Tehran, Imam Khomeini Street, Moghadam Museum

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