Kharg Island; Oil-Rich Island

Kharg Island; Oil-Rich Island


Kharg Island; Oil-Rich Island

Kharg is one of the islands of Persian Gulf which has importance in different bases like military, economy, history and trading. Be with myDorna to know more about Kharg.


Layers of Kharg are composed of sands and fossils of Sea creatures. Under layers are sedimentary rocks and they are not stable. This island is also pronounced as Khark.

Fossils of sea creatures used to be transferred to the other cities and countries for different usages. In contrast with many islands of Persian Gulf, Kharg has fresh water and many wells.

Fig trees are common in Kharg. The soil of island is not suitable for plants, but fig trees get their demanding energy from the air. If you look at the trees, you will see roots of them coming out from the soil and have surrounded the trees.

Cedar trees are also other type of green creatures living here. Wild life of Kharg is consisted of gazelles and poisoned snakes the longest of which has 1.5 meters’ length. Geologists believe that the age of island is 14000 years. Kharg is 76 meters upper than the sea. There are different hills around the island. Hills of the island have given a shape of ship with sails to it.

Population of Kharg is 20000 people and most of them have immigrated to work in different factories like petrochemical and oil.

Different researchers like Greece, believe that the name of Kharg was Argaria. Saeed Nafisi believed that the name of the island was Kharkaneh.

Historical Parts

There are different historical parts in Kharg that date back to different eras.

  1. Temple of Palmarian

There are different graves here under which, seemingly, corpses of Zoroastrians and Christians are buried.

  1. Fireplace

There was a fireplace near Tomb of Imamzadeh Mir Muhammad that was destroyed during the time.

  1. Dolman Graves

Two big tombstones on mountains of Kharg. People of island believe that this tombstone is a place of burial of two sisters who used to live in 3000 years ago.

  1. Imamzadeh Mir Muhammad

A tomb located in southwestern of island dating back to Seljuq era. There is an inscription in the tomb that shows here is a place that one of the sons of Imam Ali has been buried.

  1. There is a Portuguese castle in north eastern part of island that was built by Baron Tido Von Kniphausen. Cisterns and Graves of Christians are also other historical places of the island.

Oil Industry

Kharg island is the most important part of Iran for exporting oil. Exporting oil was done from here during battle of Iraq and Iran. In 1916, For transferring stones, railway was stablished by order of Capitan Tomson who was an English engineer. This railway transfers stones between Basreh city and Kharg Island.

How to Get There?

The Island is located 35 kilometers south of Ganaveh Harbor in Bushehr Province. You can get there by ship or boat from Ganaveh.

Address: Iran, Bushehr Province, Kharg Island

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