Haj Ali Darvish coffee house


Haj Ali Darvish coffee house

Iran is full of amazing and charming places to enjoy our visit from this country and one of them is going to be introduced in the following.

In the middle of Tehran`s shopping center, we can find the smallest coffee house of the world, called Haj Ali Darvish.

The owner is called Haj Kazim whose coffee shop is only 2 meters but in contrast to the small size of this store, hundreds of people visit and drink tea and traditional drinkings.

Haj Ali Darvish coffee house

Haj Ali Darvish`s coffee shop is so popular that tourists from every country in the world must visit it once they come to Iran.

In this small coffee shop, we can feel Iranian`s sense of hospitality because when a foreigner comes here, Haj Kazim gets their cellphone and takes photo.

As this place is traditional, every type of Iranian traditional tea, coffee and drinking can be found.

During the time the tea you have ordered is going to be ready, you can see the decoration of the small coffee house and also, you can grab a book and study for a short time.

At the end, when you want to pay for your tea or served drinkings, you can put the remaining money in the charity box for labor children.

 Address: Number 78,After Imam Mosque Entrance, At the end of Grand Bazaar, Number 78.

How to get there?

In order to get to Haj Ali Darvish`s coffee house, you can use public transportation such as metro and get out of it when you reached 15 Khordad station. Then, you have to walk for 10 minutes and enter Grand Bazaar. After that, you have to go further from Imam mosque and at the right side, Haj Ali Darvish`s coffee house can be seen.

If you had any problem reaching the coffee house, don`t worry because everybody in that area and knows where coffee house is located.

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