Goharshad Mosque; Art of Timurid Era
Goharshad Mosque; Art of Timurid Era

Goharshad Mosque; Art of Timurid Era
Goharshad mosque is located near the shrine of Imam Reza in Mashhad. Construction of the mosque dates back to Timurid era. This place was built by order of Goharshad I, who was the wife of Shahrokh Timurid. The mosque has been designed masterfully. It seems that Goharshad is the most popular mosque in Iran because of its situation. Be with myDorna to know more.
Today, the mosque has 8 entrances. Many passengers, tourists and visitors travel here to visit Goharshad mosque.
In the year of 1416, Goharshad, the wife of Shahrokh, ordered to build a mosque in the southern part of Imam Reza’s holy shrine. Three years after, construction of the mosque finished. She traveled to Harat to finish the construction and brought a golden luster and donated it to the mosque. You can see the year of construction of the mosque in three parts of the southern porch.
The mosque has been built with four porches in a classic style. Between the porches, there are big bedchambers. The style of building the porches is the same and you can see the art of Iranian here. Name of Goharshad is written in the northern porch of the mosque. You can see the minarets, dome and other parts that are tiled masterfully. Quranic words are also on the walls of the mosque.
Maghsureh Porch
A porch with area of 500 square meters has 37 meters’ length and 5/25 meters’ height. Altar of the mosque in this porch is made of marble stones. There is a tribune named as Sahib al-Zaman. There is also an inscription of Goharshad`s son in the middle of the porch.
Muhammad Al-Mahdi Tribune
You will see a tribune in southern part of the mosque known as Muhammad Al-Mahdi Tribune. This tribune was made of wood of walnut tree in 1864 by order of Fath-Ali Shah.
Dome and Minarets
Height of the dome of the mosque is 43 meters on which there is an inscription. There are 2 minarets beside the dome.
There are different bedchambers in the mosque which have been refurbished a lot throughout the history but they have never lost their antiquity. These bedchambers are used for Quran sessions, praying and etc.
How to Get There?
Goharshad Mosque is located near the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza in Mashhad. You can get there by any vehicle and any time you wish.
Address: Iran, Razavi Khorasan Province, Mashhad City, Goharshad Mosque.
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