Falahati Palace; Museum of Agriculture

Falahati Palace; Museum of Agriculture


Falahati Palace; Museum of Agriculture

Falahati palace dating back to Qajar era built by Gholam Reza Khan, the then governor of Ilam. It is placed near Agricultural Jihad Organization; it’s also named as agricultural palace. Environment near the palace was part of that with beautiful trees, but todays, by urban development, environment is changed to the streets and has lost its previous beauty.

Architecture and Decoration

The palace has five rooms which are built around a massive hall. There is a balcony in front of the structure, to which the rooms and hall open. The palace has a brick floor and is decorated with human and floral stucco reliefs. The palace was once located inside a garden and is currently the Agriculture Museum of Ilam. Some parts in external point of the palace like above the windows and walls are shaven like human figures and plants and roof of entrance is placed on two columns. Internal parts of the palace opposite of external view have no beautiful decoration and it’s so simple.

Materials of the Palace

Materials used in this palace, are consisted of brick, wood, shaven stones and galvanized sheet for roof. Surface of the palace is covered with bricks. Bricks in some parts of surface of the palace have been worn out and are changed with mosaic.

Agriculture Museum of Ilam

In 2011, Falahati palace was changed to agriculture museum. This museum has 4 main rooms.

One room of this museum has rocky tools dating back to 8000 B.C and some other tools like blade, flint, door knocker, and so on. Also, the other room has farming tools which date back to 50 years ago.

On march 27 in the year of 1987, this place was recorded as a historical monument.

How To Get There?


After going to Ilam, taking a taxi is the best way to reach Falahati Palace.

Address: Ilam Province, Ilam city, Ayatollah Abdorahman Heydari Ilami Street, Falahati Palace.

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