Clouds Forest; Under the Ocean of Clouds

Clouds Forest; Under the Ocean of Clouds


Clouds Forest; Under the Ocean of Clouds

These days we hear all around the world that Iran is just a big dessert. It has poor culture, poor history, low security and people are at war constantly, but all of this thoughts are false. In this post we want to make you familiar with one of the most beautiful natures of Iran.

Introduction of Clouds Forest

Dense and impenetrable are just two adjectives of this forest. If we define Clouds forest with these two adjectives, it is not enough. Age of this forest goes back to 40 million years ago. Rare animals and plants are living here. If you look at the forest from a plane or helicopter, it looks as an ocean of clouds.

Description of Clouds Forest

Name of the forest is because of clouds that appear in a special time span. Every year, many tourists are drawn to this place because of its special features like beautiful nature, rare kinds of animals and plants and gaining an experience like being on sky.

If you are a professional photographer, you can take awesome pictures. There is a place that earth and sky meet each other, clouds hug trees and seems that earth is on the sky. Clouds forest was recorded as a protected area in the year of 2010.

There are different attractions in the way to the forest and we suggest you never lose them.

Attractions of Clouds Forest

  1. Abr Village

Abr village is a good residency for passengers who want to visit the forest. Distance between the village to the forest is 12 kilometers.

Guidance: Abr is a Persian word for cloud in English.

  1. Mountaineering, Walking and cycling.
  2. Rivers and Waterfalls

Shor Shor and Aluchal are two important waterfalls of the forest. Reaching Shor Shor waterfall is so hard and just professional mountaineers can get to it.

Aluchal consists of two small waterfalls which join and create a main waterfall. Height of Aluchal is 25 meters. There is a beautiful tunnel near Aluchal covered with trees and it is named as heaven tunnel.

Rivers of the forest are good sources for drinking water. If you want to camp, two main rivers with names of Ghatri and Torsh are have cold and clean water.

  1. Photography

As we explained, if you are a professional photographer, you can take special and rare pictures.

5. Research about Herbal Medicine

As we said, this forest is full of rare plants. Some of them have medicinal features that can be helpful for preventing dangerous diseases like cancer.

6. Shirinabad Village

Unlike Abr village, Shirinabad is negotiated in the middle of forest. It is worth to pass 7 kilometers in the forest for reaching Shirinabad, stay there and breathe between clouds.

Pay attention that staying here is harder than Abr village, because homes are exactly below the clouds.

The Best Time for Traveling

Best seasons for traveling is from April until the end of October, because after October the weather is so cold.

If you want to watch ocean of clouds, it is better to check out weather news of the region. If it is rainy or cloudy, you can also swim in ocean while walking!

How to Get There?

Clouds forest is located in way of Shahrud to Azadshahr. You can reach there by bus, train, taxi and car.

If you want to get there by car, follow the way of Shahrud to Azadshahr. After passing 18 kilometers, you will reach Ghale-no Kharghan. After passing Ghale-no Kharghan, you are in the way of Abr village. Follow this way and get guidance from native people.

Attention: you can not pass all around the forest with car and in some ways you have to walk.

Train or Bus: Travel to Shahrud city with train or bus. Get to Imam square. Take a taxi or bus from Imam square to Abr village.

Attention: Taxies and buses from Imam square are working from 08:00 A.M until 06:00 P.M.

Address: Iran, Semnan Province, 45 kilometers of Shahrud city, Abr village, Clouds Forest

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