Anar Polo; Food from Shiraz City


Anar Polow or Pomegranate Rice is a popular Iranian dish.


Pomegranate seeds(a cup)

Rice(2 cups)

Two onions

Chopped coriander(a cup)

Two chickens

Crushed Pistachios(1/2 cup)

powder of saffron(3 tablespoons)

Salt, turmeric, water, liquid oil(in sufficient amount)

How to cook?

First step: Put chickens with an onion, a little amount of turmeric and salt in a pot on the stove and pour 2 cups of water. Turn on the stove with medium temperature and wait until the chickens are cooked. When they got cooked, rip them.

Second step: You should put the rice in water for 3 or 4 hours with salt. Throw away the salty water. put the salty rice in the pot with boiling water. After the rice is boiled, pour it in the basket and wash with water.

Third step: Chop one of the onions and roast it in a pot (separate pot from rice and chickens) until their color gets changed to orange. Then add ripped chickens, coriander, crushed pistachios, seeds of pomegranate and salt and roast with riling for 5 minutes.

Fourth step: Put a medium pot on the stove and pour oil in it. Add boiled rice with materials of third step to it. Increase the heat of the stove and wait for rice to be boiled. Then add powder of saffron to them. Mix two tablespoons of oil with water in a cup and pour it on rice. Decrease the heat and put the cover of pot with filter and wait for rice to get cooked for an hour. Then put them in a big dish and decorate it with crushed Pistachios and pomegranate seeds.

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