Alam-Kuh; Alps of Iran

Alam-Kuh; Alps of Iran


Alam-Kuh; Alps of Iran

Alam-Kuh is the name of a mountain that is placed near Takht-e Soleyman region in Mazandaran province and it is also known as Alps of Iran.

Attention: Takht-e Soleyman is different from Takht-e Soleyman region.

This mountain with 4850 meters is the second higher mountain in Iran after mount Damavand. Most of the popularity of Alam-Kuh is because of hard ways and rocks in the way to its summit. Some of its rocks have 550 meters’ height. In some parts, the height of these walls are mentioned as 800 meters and it is because of natural glaciers.

Location of Alam-Kuh

Rudbarak and Kelardasht are nearest cities to this region. This mountain from northern part ends to Kelardasht and from northern part leads you to Taleghan city.

Ways for Ascending

Takht-e Soleyman region is placed at the center of Alborz mountains. This region has nearly 200 mountains with height of 4000 meters. Takht-e Soleyman reaches Caspian Sea from northern part and reaches Karaj city from southern part. Natural glaciers of this region are good for climbers. For ascension to the top of Alam mountain, the simplest way is from Marzanabad to Kelardasht country and Rudbarak. From Rudbarak, you can reach Vandarbon, Tang-Galu and Hesar Chal. You need 3 hours to pass these ways and from Hesar Chal for ascending to Alam mountain you need 4 or 5 hours.

After Marazanabad in Chalus road, a road will lead you to Rudbarak. If you have enough time, it’s good for you to rest in a hotel that is placed in Rudbarak road to Shilat and Vandarbon. Also you can ask good leaders in this place for ascending to the summit. After Vanderbon, the road is divided into 2 parts:

Way of Birir valley to Sarchal and Alamchal is with sharp slopes and is suitable for pro climbers. Other way is from Hesarchal which is appropriate for beginners.

Weather of Alam-Kuh

In fall and winter, this region has heavy snowfalls and avalanches. This condition is continuous during the spring. In summer, weather is more mild.

Address: Iran, Mazandaran province, Kelardasht District, Alam-Kuh mountain

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