Filband Village; Like Norway Villages

Filband Village; Like Norway Villages


Filband Village; Like Norway Villages

Filband is a village located in eastern part of Mazandaran province and southern part of Amol and Babol counties. The village is like villages of Norway. Keep reading so that myDorna makes you familiar with Filband village.

Description of Filband Village

Filband is the highest village in Mazandaran province. The village is part of Babol county. Here like Clouds Forest is usually covered by ocean of clouds.

The village is also known as the summit of Mazandaran because it is located near Andavar summit with height of 3392 meters. There is a monument of Imamzadeh Qasem in southern heights of the village placed under a pergola. Reason of naming Filband is the hard way that you must pass to get there which makes you tired. sometimes you can’t continue the way and need to rest some Minutes. Nearly 7 months of Filband are winter and it is covered with snows.

Fil: Tiredness

Band: Can’t

The village becomes vacant in winter because the ways are blocked due to avalanches, but in springs, you can see the heaven in the real world.

There are some rivers with pure water which are useful for curing kidney diseases. We offer you never forget to visit Filband, if you happened to go to Mazandaran. Best time for visiting the village is from the first days of May until the end of October, but it does not mean that in other seasons village is not beautiful. Winters of the village start soon and finish late. Population of Filband is 1200, but in winters it is completely vacant.

How to Get There?

Follow Haraz road from Amol city. In the middle of the road, turn to Filband road for reaching Sangchal village. After Sangchal you have gotten to Filband.

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Address: Iran, Mazandaran Province, Babol County, Filband Village

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