Buzhan Village; Heaven Welcomes You

Buzhan Village; Heaven Welcomes You


Buzhan Village; Heaven Welcomes You

About Buzhan Village

Buzhan is a village close to Nishapur city in Razavi Khorasan province. The houses of this village are stair-like. Buzhan is located in the 5 kilometers northeast of Nishapur and at the foot hill of Binalud Mountain.

Why is it called Buzhan?

There are Several theories about why this village is called Buzhan. Firstly, some people believe that Buzhan is an equivalent of the word “Grown”. Secondly, the name is as the name of a plant with small leaves and long trunks which are abundant in this village and thirdly, Buzhan is a suffix which means green farm or land of springs.

Buzhan is located a heaven-like place which has herbal medicines. the fast-flowing river in Buzhan, shows a beautiful view. The village is located in a gentle slope in a valley and houses on this slope are stair-like. Other attractions of the village are Buzhan waterfall that flows from the northern heights. These landscapes are accessible within a few hours of walking through the village to the north.

Crops of Buzhan

The economy of the village of Buzhan is based on agronomic activities, horticulture and animal husbandry. Cranberry, cherry, walnut, prune, apricot and grapes are the main products of Buzhan. Also, due to the varied vegetation of the surrounding mountains, meat production, producing wool of sheep and making dairy products are widespread in the village. Women also cooperate in making handcrafts with men.

Mountaineering in Buzhan

Because of the proper position of Buzhan in Binalud mountain range, going to the heights of Shirbad peak, Kalmish and the high springs of Cheshmeh Sabz is possible; therefore, lots of climbers ascend from the direction of Buzhan village to Shirabad peak. Binalud mountain range in Buzhan has many watersheds flowing in the form of fountains and they are accessible throughout the way of climbing.

 Attention: Buzhan is 110 kilometers away from Mashhad, central city of Razavi Khorasan province.

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How to Get There?

Since Buzhan is only 5 kilometers far from Nishapur, so you can get there by cars very easily.

Address: Iran, Razavi Khorasan province, Mashhad to Nishapur road, Buzhan village

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