Bisheh Waterfall; Take A Shower in Nature

Bisheh Waterfall; Take A Shower in Nature


Bisheh Waterfall; Take A Shower in Nature

Western part of Iran is mostly beautiful for natural places and this beauty is more felt in Lorestan province due to the existence of waterfalls, straits, mountains and so on.

One of the attractive and natural waterfalls which is almost known by all Iranians is called Bisheh.

About Bisheh Waterfall

Bisheh waterfall is situated in Lorestan province, close to Bisheh town. Its height is about 50 meters and its width is around 20 meters.

After 10 meters that water reached the ground, it pours in to the river of Sezar.

On the upper parts of the waterfall, there are some natural springs that after passing from Bisheh railway station, make Bisheh waterfall.

The waterfall is surrounded by mountains and forest and because of these criteria we can consider here as a suitable place for passengers to be away from daily routines.

How to Get There?

To reach the waterfall, there are some ways;

1. After starting off your journey by train, you can get off in the station of Dorud city and from there you are 130 kilometers away from Bisheh waterfall.

2. The waterfall is close to Bisheh railway station, so you can get off from train in the station and go to the Bisheh waterfall.

3. From Khorram Abad city (central city of Lorestan province), the waterfall is 60 kilometers away. The best to get to the waterfall from this city is taking a taxi or a car.

Address: Iran, Lorestan province, Bisheh town, Bisheh waterfall

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