Si-O-Se Pol; Art of Safavid Dynasty

Si-O-Se Pol; Art of Safavid Dynasty


Si-O-Se Pol; Art of Safavid Dynasty

Si-O-Se Pol is a bridge with 33 arch spans, with height of 14 and length of 295 meters that was built in Safavid era on Zayandeh Rud.


This bridge is also called Jalfa, Si-O-Se Cheshmeh, Shah Abbasi, Allah Verdi Khan and Chehel Cheshmeh.

  1. Shah Abbasi: Because it was built by Order of King Abbas the first.
  2. Allah Verdikhan: Allah Verdikhan, the person who completed construction.
  3. Si-O-Se Cheshmeh: si-o-se means thirty-three, so here is known by this name because of its 33 river entrances.
  4. Chehel Cheshmeh: At first, the bridge Had 40 river entrances and was known as Chehel Cheshmeh.

Chehel: Means forty


Main plan of Isfahan city during King Abbas the first and during Safavid era, was developing Cheharbagh region. Si-O-Se Pol was built to connect regions near Cheharbagh. At first the bridge had 40 entrances for crossing water, but by planting trees and crooking way of river, seven of water entrances or arch spans were blocked. Mayer of Isfahan ordered to build walls in front of northern part of the entrances.

There are different dates of construction in different sources like 1597, 1600, 1604, and etc.


Architect of bridge was Hussein Banna. Although the bridge was intended to be built on the least length parts, he chose widest parts of the river.

It is because the river was more shallow in wider parts. Materials used for building the bridge are plaster, brick and stone.

There are arches between two sides of bridge facing to river. Also, there are 99 small arches on sidewalk.

There were paintings of small arches which have been destroyed during the time. There was also sculpture of King Reza Pahlavi, but now it is in Esfand Alley. Arches of bridge have columns that are base of the roof of the bridge. The bridge had 6 passageways in the past, but today only 2 of them are remained. Length of the bridge was 360 meters before and it had 40 arch spans, but today the bridge has 33 arch spans with 295 meters’ length. The bridge was place of different celebrations like Nowruz, Abpashan and Khajshuyan.

How to Get There?

The bridge is built on Zayandeh Rud between Motahari Street and Mellat Blvd. You can access to the bridge by any vehicle.

Address: Iran, Isfahan City, Si-O-Se Pol

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