Radkan Tower; Art of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi

Radkan Tower; Art of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi


Radkan Tower; Art of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi

Radkan tower is located in 26 kilometers northwest of Chenaran city, Razavi Khorasan province. This conical tower with height of 25 meters’ dates back to 13th century during Mongols invasions. Be with myDorna to get familiar with this place.

Photo by: Parham Ashoori


Shape of the tower is like a cone. Internal diameter of tower is 14 and external diameter is 20 meters. The tower has dodecagon walls which are precisely constructed.

There are different ideas about the year of construction of the tower. Researches show that the tower dates back to 12th and 13th centuries. Some scientists have different ideas about the tower, for example, Ernest Herzfeld believed that the tower is a monument of one of the Mongol kings. Jean Luc Godard believed that it is a monument of a woman.

There are some small holes on the tower which were used for demonstrating seasons, starting new year and etc.

During 12th century, it was the first tower demonstrating the seasons and new year. Here was designed by Nasir ad-Din al-Tusi.

The doors of the tower have set the base on situation of sunrise and it was the way to show the seasons. The tower also was used for astronomy. Date of construction, descriptions and some texts about designer are carved at the top of it on the stone. Materials used for building the tower are brick, lime, plaster and clay.

How to Get there?

The tower is located at Radkan village in Chenaran county. For getting there, follow Quchan road and turn to road of Radkan village. Follow the road to reach there.

Address: Iran, Razavi Khorasan Province, Chenaran County, Radkan Village, Radkan Tower

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