Quran Gate; An Islamic Relic

Quran Gate; An Islamic Relic


Quran Gate; An Islamic Relic

Quran entry is a historical gate placed in Shiraz city. The gate is a historical work dating back to Adud Ad-Daula period. Keep reading so that myDorna makes you familiar with Quran Gate.

Description of Quran Gate

In the past, Shiraz city was consisted of 6 main gates with names of:

  1. Isfahan 2. Quran 3. Saadi 4. Ghasabkhane 5. Kazeroon and 6. Shah Daee.

Quran gate is a historical entrance of Shiraz that was built by order of Adud Ad-Daula. He built this gate and put holy Quran at the top of it to pray for passengers so that they would be protected from unexpected events. This gate has been repaired during Karim Khan-e Zand era.

A room was built by order of Karim Khan above the Quaran Gate to use it for storing holy Qurans.

Quran Gate was damaged a lot in Qajar era because of earthquakes, but after some years it was repaired by Muhammad Zaki Khan Nuri.

The gate has a special importance among people of the city. They try to exit and enter through here.

Quran Gate had been destroyed by the Mayer of Shiraz in the year of 1936. In 1949, Hussein Eigar built a new gate. The new one was different from the old one. It was bigger and had 2 small gates on the left and right sides.

On the walls of the new gate, some Quranic verses has been written. Across from Quran Gate, there is a recreational complex in which Khwaju Kermani has been buried.

Above Khwaju’s monument, there are 3 caves which were used for praying. There is small room in the left side of gate in which Hussein Eigar has been buried.

How to Get There?

Quran Gate is placed in the entrance of Shiraz city from Marvdasht Near Ayatollah Rabbani boulevard. You can get there by any vehicle.

Address: Iran, Shiraz city, Quran Gate

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