KataleKhor Cave; Mount of Sun

KataleKhor Cave; Mount of Sun


KataleKhor Cave; Mount of Sun

There are different types of caves in the world like; underground, crystal and limestone. But with Kalatekhor, we must add another category and we should name it must-to-go caves.

Meaning of KataleKhor

In some parts of Iran, people define Katale as low mountains and they believe that the name of this cave is because of its situation Under a Mount. Another meaning of Katale is up and down and it might be because of ups and downs in the cave.

Khor is a Persian word meaning sun and its relation with the cave is that the sun rises behind it every day. The was cave discovered before the year of 1921. This cave is known as Mount of Sun.

Katale: Mount

Khor: Sun

Katalekhor: Mount of Sun

At first, because of low ceiling and long way in the cave, researchers believed that it is just a rocky and wrong way, but in the year of 1986, experienced researchers said this is a valuable cave dating back to Jurassic era, 120 million years ago.

Description of KataleKhor

The cave consists of 3 floors with stalactites and stalagmites with different colors. Purity of the cressets are high and most of them look as shining glasses. Entrance of the cave consists of a low ceiling with secondary ways. After secondary ways, there are uphill and dry holes and after continuing the way, you will reach a hallway with cressets and columns.

First entrance of this way is blocked because of possible damages. Some clay-made plates and bones of humans have been discovered in the cave that the skeletons date back to nearly 4000 years ago. Today this cave is divided into 3 parts

  1. Sport
  2. Cultural
  3. Social

First part is only used for caving and rock climbing. Second part is used for holding special ceremonies and the last one is just a natural place and tourist attraction.

We suggest if you travelled to Zanjan province, never miss this cave.

How to Get There?

The cave is located at 155 kilometers south of Zanjan province in Garmab city. Way of reaching the cave is road of Zanjan to Qeydar city along Zarrinabad to Garmab.

Address: Iran, Zanjan province, Garmab city, KaleKhor cave

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