Dalamper; Unknown but Beautiful

Dalamper; Unknown but Beautiful


Dalamper; Unknown but Beautiful

Dalamper region is located in west Azerbaijan province in Iran. This region might be unknown for everyone but has a very beautiful nature.

Location of Dalamper

Dalamper is located in southwestern part of Urmia city and it has distance of 45 kilometers. There are two beautiful attractions in this region with this name.

  1. Dalamper Mountain
  2. Dalamper lake

Dalamper Mountain

Dalamper mountain is located between border of 3 countries; Iran, Iraq, and Turkey with height of 3500 meters and if you be on summit of the mountain, you will see some parts of every 3 countries. The mountain has different attractions like old natural glaciers, natural lakes and Dalamper region.

Melting of snows has created a beautiful waterfall in this region with name of Suleh Ducel meaning foggy in Kurdish language.

There are different plants and animals in this places.

  1. Plants: Milk vetch, Almond, Cherry and etc.
  2. Animals: Fox, Rabbit, Eagle, Snake, Jackal and Mountain Goat.

Way to Reach Dalamper

For reaching Dalamper, you can follow the road of Urmia to Oshnavieh city and follow the way of Dizaj village.

You can also follow the way of Band to Ziveh.

Attention: For reaching Dalamper, you need an off-road car.

After refueling in Dizaj, there are 8 kilometers distance to village of Suleh Ducel. You can enjoy the waterfall in the village. From Suleh Ducel waterfall to Dalamper, you should pass 10 kilometers dirt road. You cannot pass last 2 kilometers with car and you need to walk. If you want to travel to Dalamper, we offer to take one native person from this region; because, reaching to Dalamper needs a professional leader and driver.

Address: Iran, West Azerbaijan province, Southwestern Part of Urmia, Dalamper region

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