Golestan Palace; from Qajar Era

Golestan Palace; from Qajar Era


Golestan Palace; from Qajar Era

ace that located near Ark square in Tehran. This palace is one of the most important historical places in Iran because of different aspects like art, history and tourist attractions. Construction of this palace started from Safavid era by order of King Abbas || and in era of Zand dynasty, by adding court house, construction finished. Agha Mohammad Khan, Fath-Ali, and Naser al-Din Qajer were the kings that had coronation in this palace. UNESCO recorded this place as a world heritage in the year of 2013.

Naser al-Din Qajar who was impressed by European architecture, refurbished facade and other parts of Golestan palace. In this palace, Pahlavi kings had coronation and during Pahlavi dynasty, here was used for welcoming foreign political guests and for living Pahlavi kings. Golestan Palace is divided into two main parts

  1. External
  2. Internal

King Reza Pahlavi destroyed internal part of this palace because he hated Qajar kings. In Golestan Palace you can find different beautiful parts like;

  1. Hall of Mirrors
  2. Hall of Islam
  3. Khalvat Marimkhani
  4. Takht-e Marmar
  5. Chador Khaneh
  6. Hall of Restaurant
  7. Brilliant Hall
  8. Badgir Emirate
  9. Diamond Hall
  10. Dormitory Emirate
  11. Shamsol Emareh Palace
  12. Ethnological Museum

Takht-e Marmar or Marble Throne is one of the most beautiful parts of here because of 65 pieces of marble stones. Carving of this palace was done by Mohammad Ibrahim Isfahani.

Shamsol Emareh palace is in the eastern part of Golestan palace and is one of the special parts of that. This part was built by order of Naser al-Din Qajar with 5 floors in which he used mixture of Iranian and European architecture. Another name for Shamsol Emareh is Sun Emirate. Architect of Shamsol Emareh was Ali Mohammad Kashi.

Badgir Emirate or Wind Mansion that is placed in southern part of Golestan palace was built by order of Fath-Ali Qajar. Hall of this emirate has beautiful arts and mirrors. The reason of naming this place is because of 4 windy towers –Badgir is a Persian word meaning a windproof or a place for sucking wind.

Never forget to see this historical palace when you travel to Tehran.

How to Get There?

You can get there by any vehicles, because this palace is located in the city. At first, get to Panzdah-e- Khordad street and then find Ark square. Palace is nearby to Ark square.

Address: Iran, Tehran, Panzdah-e- Khordad Street, Ark Square, Golestan Palace

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