Professor Bazima Scientific Park; The First Scientific Park of Iran

Professor Bazima Scientific Park; The First Scientific Park of Iran


Professor Bazima Scientific Park; The First Scientific Park of Iran

Scientific Park of Professor Bazima is the first scientific park in Iran located in Mashhad. Here is the one of interesting points to travel into body of human. Be with DornaTrip.


This place is the 3rd scientific park in the world where was stablished in 2015 with different subjects like biology, astronomy and geology.

Who Is Professor Bazima?

He is an elite man who has traveled to different places in the world and has collected different information in different fields.

Different Parts of Park

When you enter the scientific park, you will see different parts like animals, organs of human body and etc.

You can get information here about different periods of earth.

  1. Earthquake Simulator

This part is related to game of logos. You can build different things like building, tower and testing it with earthquake simulator. Here is just for knowing about how to build a house and which materials are resistant against earthquake and what you should do when the earthquake happens.

  1. Virtual Reality

Here you can travel into the body of human, fall from top of the towers, jump out of airplanes, driving cars and etc.

  1. Neurotransmitter

You should cross a ring in a wire way without any hit to the wires. If you had a fault, the machine would alarm and you should start from the beginning. This game shows how your nerves work.

  1. Interactive Gaming

Here, you can play in front of a monitor by doing physical movements like the picture.

  1. Planetarium

One of the amazing parts of the scientific part is its planetarium. Here you can compare the size of the sun and watch other planets.

  1. Zoology

If you like to know about animals, this part is for you. In this section, you can get information about different groups of Invertebrates and Vertebrates.

  1. Escape from Lasers

In this game, you should escape from lasers and if you got hit by them, you will lose points or the game.

  1. Paleontology

In this part, you can get familiar with fossils of different animals and prehistorical things like dinosaurs.

  1. Virtual Flying

Most of us like flying. Here is a machine by which you can fly with the usage of virtual tools.

  1. Personal Room for Girls

This point is just for girls to get information about their body.

  1. Time machine

If you want to know how the universe was created and get information about different ages, you can achieve your goal in here.

  1. Geology

You can get information about the earth here by asking different questions.

  1. Human Body

In this scientific part, you can might know how you feel pains, how the heart pumps our blood and etc.


  1. Coffee Shop
  2. Shopping Center
  3. Atelier

How to Get There?

For getting there, you should travel to Mashhad and get to Sepad Square. Follow the way of Baharestan Boulevard and when you reached Baharestan square, you will see Vesal Complex in which the Scientific Park is situated.

Address: Iran, Razavi Khorasan Province, Mashhad City, Vesal Complex, 4th Floor

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