Ghayeremeh or Kangar Sokhary; Ethnic Food of Kurdistan
Ghayeremeh or Kangar Sokhary; Ethnic Food of Kurdistan

Ghayeremeh or Kangar Sokhary; Ethnic Food of Kurdistan
Ghayeremeh is an ethnic food of Kurdistan. This food is mostly eaten with bread and cooked with rice. Keep reading so that myDorna makes you familiar with Kangar Sokhary.
Acanthus (1 kilogram)
Flour (a cup)
Salt, Powder of pepper, Cumin and Baking powder (a teaspoon)
Three eggs
Milk (1/2 cup)
Liquid butter and boiled saffron (3 soup spoons)
Liquid oil (2 cups)
Cooked rice and water (in sufficient amount)
A cup of strained yogurt
How to Cook?
- remove thorns of acanthus and chop them.
- Decant flour in a bowl. Then add salt, powder of pepper, baking powder and cumin.
- In the other bowl, mix eggs, water, liquid butter and boiled saffron. Then rile them and add to the flour bowl. Rile the new mixture until it becomes like yogurt. Then add acanthus to the mixture, mix them and roast with oil in a big pan. When they are roasted, eat with cooked rice or strained yogurt.
Guidance: you also can eat this food with bread.