Nakhcheer; the Most Beautiful Cave in the World


Nakhcheer or Chal-Nakhjir is a cave situated in Markazi Province of Iran. It is a limestone cave approximately 70 million years old.

It’ no exaggeration if we say it’s the most beautiful cave in the world. This cave was discovered by an explosion near of it’s holes in the year of 1988. This cave is named as Nakhcheer because it is placed in Chal-Nakhjir area near Delijan city.

Nakhcheer; the Most Beautiful Cave in the World
Nakhcheer; the Most Beautiful Cave in the World
Nakhcheer; the Most Beautiful Cave in the World
Nakhcheer; the Most Beautiful Cave in the World

Location of the Cave

This cave is situated in Nakhjir area in the way of Delijan to Naraq road in Markazi province on a hillside. Moving faults in the opposite direction is the cause of creation of this cave

Materials and Decoration of the Cave

This cave is consisted of 3 floors. 95 percent of the cave is covered with calcareous deposits and 5 percent covered with stones. Main hole of the cave has height of 10 to 40 and length of 10 meters.

Nakhcheer; the Most Beautiful Cave in the World
Nakhcheer; the Most Beautiful Cave in the World

This cave has one main corridor with some subsidiary corridors that 4 meters of that were discovered with explorers and ethnic groups. Depth of the cave is estimated to be nearly 8 to 10 meters. There are also different halls, pond, and crystalline prisms we will refer to some of them. Reflection of light in crystalline prisms has given beautiful effects to this place.

Nakhcheer; the Most Beautiful Cave in the World
Nakhcheer; the Most Beautiful Cave in the World

About halls, Tschehel Sotun is the most beautiful of them.

Name of some halls:

  1. Hall of Beauties
  2. Hall of Lake
  3. Hall of Barren
  4. Zoo Hall
  5. Bride’s tablecloth Hall
  6. Chehel Cheragh Hall

The roof of the cave is covered with different stones with paintig of mans, animals, and birds.

A natural air conditioner in the cave cause that summers be cool and winters be warm.

In the year of 2005, this cave was recorded as a national work.

How to Get There?

You can get there by taxi or car.

Adddress: Iran, Markazi Province, between the way of Delijan to Naraq, Northeastern Part of Delijan on the Hillside of Nakhjir area.

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